Conversations en anglais

Nos prochaines conversations en anglais auront lieu le lundi 5 mars 2018 à 20h30 au 1er étage du 50 rue de Versailles 78150 Le Chesnay.

Dear all,
Please, find below the topics I propose to put on the agenda of the next conversations to come.
See you on Monday March 5, 8.30 p.m.
“Jumelage” headquarters: 50, rue de Versailles.

  1. Accents

Do you understand the Indian accent? Here is a short example : (4.22)
Let’s see how the Indian accent differs from British English (4.50)

2. Let’s talk about pastry
Are you a pastry guy/girl ? (Buttercream pie – with subtitles) (2.30)
Here are some questions you’d like to think about before we discuss them:
Do you often eat pastry? What kind of pastry do you prefer?
Do you like pancakes? Do you like pies? What kind of pies?
What is your preferred dessert ?

Do you like ice cream? Do you like frozen desserts? Do you prefer ice cream or sorbet? What are your favorite flavours ?
Have you ever made some pastry by yourself?

How many ingredients could you name?
Do you know English pastries? Have you ever eaten scones? Apple pies? Cup cakes? Carrot cakes? Cheese cakes? What else?

  1. Have you ever played Old Maid ? Let’s test a new learning card game.

    I look forward to seeing you on Monday 5.
    All the best,