Conversations en anglais
Nos prochaines conversations en anglais auront lieu le lundi 6 novembre 2017 à 20h30 au 1er étage du 50 rue de Versailles 78150 Le Chesnay.
Au programme :
How to learn English like a baby does?
(Okay, that’s for the pronunciation. But in addition to this, one has to start thinking in English. To achieve this goal, the best means I know is writing and writing and writing again)
Kanguro English : Phrasal verbs with up, down, on, off, out
Then, we’ll have a glance at the history of some inventions and see how playing and entertainment had a role in driving innovation.
from TED talks (6.39)
And to end with some music, let’s have a look at some flashmobs. Do you know what the word flashmob refers to? Let’s have a look!
Ravel’s Bolero
Sing Sing Sing